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Valve type cracking source
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Molecular beam epitaxy system (MBE), pulsed laser deposition system (PLD), reflective high energy electron diffractometer (RHEED), evaporation source, electron gun, ion gun, etc

Product information

For some special materials such as As, Sb, Se, S, Te, etc., epitaxial growth needs to be carried out by cracking.

Arsenic cracking source VACS, dedicated for III-V MBE growth related to As element

Selenium cracking source VSCS, dedicated for MBE growth of selenides II-VI groups

Phosphorus selenium cracking source VGCS is specifically used for the preparation of phosphides, such as GaP, InP, and other materials, and is applied in devices such as HEMTS, HBTS, and GaAlInP laser diodes.

VCCS, Used for the growth of corrosive materials such as Sb, Te, Mg, etc

The arsenic valve cracking source VACS is specifically designed for III-V MBE growth related to As elements.


Product features:

Compatible with various MBE systems

Crucible capacity: 300~500 cc;

High precision and fast beam control;

Integrated water-cooled cover;

Fully open the valve section;


The VSCS valve type cracking source is specifically used for the epitaxial growth of selenide II-VI molecular beams.

Product features:
Crucible capacity: 300/500 cc;

Automatic valve control optimizes beam flow;


Valve anti blocking design;

The VGCS valve type cracking source is specifically used for the preparation of phosphides,

For example, materials such as GaP and InP are used in devices such as HEMTS, HBTS, and GaAlInP laser diodes.


Product features:

P2 output ratio is high (P2/P4>150);

Crucible capacity: 100~420 cc;

Large section conical valve;

Rapid and stable bundle abortion;

Safe loading design;

No cracking zone;

Compatible with various MBE systems;

Automatic barrier control;

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Direct to specific products: Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD), Reflective High Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED), Evaporation Source, Ion Source, Electron Gun

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