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Main Products:
Molecular beam epitaxy system (MBE), pulsed laser deposition system (PLD), reflective high energy electron diffractometer (RHEED), evaporation source, electron gun, ion gun, etc

Product information

Molecular Beam Epitaxy System (MBE) OCTOPLUS 400 Molecular Beam Epitaxy system is a general-purpose MBE system that is ideal for Group III/V, Group II/VI, and other composite semiconductor material applications. Compatible with 2-4 inch standard chips. The vertical segmented cavity design can be equipped with various source furnages to realize molecular beam epitaxy growth of different materials.

Chamber size: 450 mm ID, liquid nitrogen cold screen (compatible with water cooling)

Background vacuum: < 5 × 10-11 mbar

Sample size: up to 3 inches, downward compatible with small size samples

Heater: SiC, W and other types of optional, the highest temperature up to 1500 ℃

Source furnace flange: 10 × DN63CF

Application field: II-V, II-VI


System features:

● Universal MBE systems for R&D

● Used for epitaxial growth of III/V, II/VI materials

● Suitable for 2-4 inch samples

● 8 standard CF flanges (can be expanded to 10 upon request)

● Can be upgraded and optional to achieve system expansion

● In situ growth characterization

● Easy to use and maintain


According to the requirements of all customers, we can provide different types of evaporation sources, including K-cell, electron beam evaporation source, thermal cracking source, valve cracking source, gas cracking source, etc. In situ monitoring of sample growth can be achieved using quartz crystal oscillator, reflective high energy electron diffractometer (RHEED) or quadrupole mass spectrometer. The EpiSoft MBE software allows precise control of all baffles, evaporation flows and sample station heater temperatures. Repeatability of operation is ensured to the greatest extent.

The main features of the Octoplus 400 are its high reliability and universality, as well as its small footprint. These characteristics make our system ideal for research and development.

The standard Octoplus 400 has 8 4.5 "(CF63) flanges, which can be expanded to 10 flanges on demand. The Loading Chamber is equipped with a high-precision magnetic sample transfer rod, which allows rapid sample transfer without damaging the vacuum of the MBE chamber.

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